Workplace Restoration

How to (Re)Build Trust and Respect After an Investigation  

This is a one-day course that covers the crucial time-period after an investigation takes place. Even the most well-structured investigation can leave employees feeling distanced, confused and even hurt or resentful toward one another or their employer. And let’s remember, there may have been deep toxic challenges before the investigation which also contribute as well.

While the purpose of an investigation is to uncover the facts and gain accurate information about a situation in order to solve a problem, doing so may cause additional problems with employees for a variety of reasons.

Imagine the following scenarios:

  • How does a Respondent feel if they are being investigated and they are technically innocent – perhaps the long investigative process has them feeling guilty?
  • What about the Respondent who has been told to stay absent from work due to an investigation and co-workers automatically label them guilty due to their absence? Furthermore, if the Respondent is innocent, and returns to work, what about the co-workers who still choose to believe the Respondent is at fault?
  • What about a Respondent who is found guilty? What if they show remorse and make amends yet their boss or co-workers do not attempt to forgive them?
  • How does a Complainant feel finally having the courage to come forward only to realize the support and amends they were looking for is non-existent?
  • What about an employee who was interviewed and feels there was bias in the investigation and somehow feels betrayed?
  • What about the tense environment in the air while the investigative process is taking place ~ employees wondering about information they technically do not have the right to know, yet not knowing somehow causes a feeling of distrust with the department, employer, boss or co-workers?
  • What about false information that may circulate between co-workers in an attempt to understand “what’s going on” ~ this false information can quickly derail morale and leave people feeling a lack of support and trust.
  • How about a manager or supervisor who ignores the effects of a workplace investigation or incident and refuses to communicate and reach out to rebuild the morale?

Workplace Restoration: is a complete extensive process whereby employees are reintegrated and renewed into a normal, respectful and trust-based workflow after an investigation, incident, bullying/harassment issue or prolonged conflict.

The purpose of Workplace Restoration includes but is not limited to the following:

  • To establish, re-establish or affirm trust-based and respectful communication and goodwill between all stakeholders after an incident
  • To set the framework for accountability and prevention of additional incidents

What you will learn:

  • Why is workplace restoration necessary and if left unchecked, it’s potential risk factors and assessing the point of cultural no-return
  • What are the causes that may foster low morale and loss of trust during and after an investigation or incident from the viewpoint of all stakeholders
  • A Fairness Prevention Plan for leaders to ward against tension experienced by stakeholders and how to experience investigations and mediations as less stressful ~ minimizing risk
  • The Fairness Audit after an investigation, incident or prolonged conflict to navigate through possible legitimate issues of distrust, disrespect, betrayal and low morale (assessment)
  • How to identify employee beliefs and behaviours that create resistant interactions such as victimhood, toxic/disrespectful attitudes from issues where good employees need support and restoration and have legitimate issues
  • What is needed to establish trust between stakeholders and how to specifically narrow trust gaps in general in order to build goodwill for restoration as well as prevention
  • The key factors in setting up your restorative workplace process so stakeholders participate willingly ~ what are the keys to effective buy-in and support?
  • An effective prevention tool and process to save management time, create clarity for the claimant and lower resistance for the respondent in order to move through incidents with ease
  • Recovery strategies for leaders; build back trust the most effective way with all stakeholders
  • Effective employee and team restoration strategies that work

Your Presenter:

Valerie Cade, MA is the best-selling author of “Bully Free at Work” which has been distributed in over 100 countries. Valerie is considered one of North America’s top experts in coping with and stopping toxic behaviours and bullying in the workplace. In addition, she has a specialty in ensuring a Restorative Workplace after such potentially stressful situations such as investigations, harassment and bullying incidents, interventions as well as transitional aspects including downsizing, covid19 re-adjustment and re-building a culture of trust. She holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation from Abilene Texas University (HON). She presents and consults with a relevant, well-researched message that gives practical advice and inspires hope.